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Repair - Strengthening
Strengthening of the pilotis of a building in Nea Erithrea, AthensStelios2020-12-31T14:40:48+02:00
Floor Construction in the Akropolis of AthensStelios2020-12-31T13:56:13+02:00
Strengthening of an 8-storey industrial building in Central Greecepublisher2020-12-31T13:33:55+02:00
Repair and Strengthening of a Building that was Severely Damaged during the 2014 Kefalonia Earthquakespublisher2020-12-19T13:41:50+02:00
Strengthening of an existing RC slabStelios2020-12-31T13:00:08+02:00
Demolition of a R/C Slab and Construction of a new Composite Slab in Syrospublisher2020-12-31T12:54:39+02:00
Creation of Openings in RC Slabs with Concrete CuttingStelios2020-12-31T12:10:43+02:00
Beams and Slabs Strengthening by using Carbon Fiber Laminates in MykonosStelios2020-12-19T13:41:46+02:00
Construction of Centre for Senior Citizens in Oropospublisher2020-12-19T13:41:51+02:00
Changes in the cold storage room of a warehouseStelios2020-12-19T13:41:34+02:00
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